This program is for you if you've been struggling with

  • Your Accountability

    Let's be honest, you've probably Googled it all, read the books, signed up for the free courses... but change is hard. You still feel stuck and not knowing what to do with your workouts, nutrition and even your self-care is taking a toll. Not only can a coach keep you accountable, but help you find the small wins that are hard to see.

  • Sticking to One Plan

    I've been there, I was HER. The girl that was always looking for the next diet, the next miracle weight loss supplement...but here's the thing- you never were looking for quick. You were looking for something to give you answers, to help make it all less complicated and maintain your results. You can't find that in a quick weight loss program or supplement.

  • Results

    I'm not talking about just your physique. Your mindset is the foundation to your success, and the more you dig deep into what truly is holding you back and what can help drive your results- that's where radical transformation happens. No more complicated, restrictive regimes. Let's find what allows you to become your healthiest, happiest, self.

Watch this video for a full breakdown!

This is your Into-first video in the program as well!

A Full Program CUSTOM to you!

In the Next 8 weeks, you'll conquer it all with

  • One on One Coaching

    You're destined for a radical transformation with weekly video modules, weekly phone check-ins with Tiffany, email anytime, and a custom training and nutrition plan.

  • Radiate Confidence

    Become confident in nutrition, fitness, and mindset goals. Fit & Healthy Mind helps evolve your mental, emotional, & physical state with weekly self-care goals and even videos on self-development!

  • Flexible & Easy Nutrition

    For the next 8 weeks, we will jumpstart your transformation with a custom flexible dieting plan that work WITH you rather than against.

  • Feel Empowered

    My goal as your coach is to help you feel EMPOWERED and INDEPENDENT, so when you finish Fit & Healthy Mind, you no longer question what you should be doing or not doing.

  • Weekly Videos & Worksheets

    Each week, a new video will release on nutrition, fitness and self care (weekly-biweekly worksheets). The best part- you get to keep the program for life (even the updates)!

  • 8 Week Custom Workout Plan

    Every 4 weeks you will receive a custom training plan that is designed toward your goals & lifestyle. Workouts are sent via an app along with video exercise demonstrations, chat access, and progress tracking.

Benefits of 1:1 Coaching

Customized coaching focused on your goals & a full course to help guide you in the right direction.

  • Get the help you need to accomplish your goals. Let's figure out what hasn't worked and what WILL together. It's almost never about you that has failed, but that you haven't found the right program and lifestyle to help you reach your goals.

  • 8 weeks to guide you on a lifetime journey to become confident in your nutrition and exercise plans and learning how to change your outlook from feeling defeated to thriving.

  • Cutting the bullsh*t. We dig deep to figure out the WHY behind your goals, WHY you aren't reaching them, and what FOR. There's no shortcuts, just pure honesty and growth.

  • 8 weeks to create a break through. We work one-on-one to understand what's been holding you back from reaching your mental and physical goals. We are both dedicated and committed to creating a breakthrough so you can only evolve not only how you workout and eat, but how you treat yourself. This is truly a full package program to help transformation your mind AND body.

Bonus material

  • Weekly Goal Planner

    The weekly goal planner helps you set your intentions for the week, reflect on goal completed and not completed and even focus on being more grateful.

  • Ebook On Creating a Healthy Lifestyle

    Download an EXCLUSIVE eBook for one-on-one coaching clients designed to help guide you on this journey mentally, physically, & with nutritional habits.

  • 8 Week Strength Program

    Whether it's at home or at the gym- it is custom to you and available on your phone with tracking!

Commonly Asked Questions

If this doesn't answer any you have, reach out to me!

  • Why online coaching?

    Personally, I have done both. But, after I experienced online coaching I will never go back. There is no comparison to being able to get access to someone, asking important questions, and getting your plan while still in your pajamas.

  • Why does it say course?

    The Fit & Healthy mind program is beyond your traditional 1:1 coaching. There are weekly videos that go over topics from self care, nutrition to fitness, as well as weekly checkin's to review each weeks progress, the videos topic and any wins. But that's not all, you receive a custom plan to become more flexible with your nutrition, workouts at home or at the gym all able to be tracked through your phone with my custom app.

  • Who is this 1:1 Coaching for?

    My coaching and experience are best for women over the age of 21. Those that are ready to work hard on their goals and take positive criticism when needed are best for this program. Bonus points- you are ready to challenge your mindset and dig deep!

  • What happens after my purchase?

    After your purchase, you will have directed to a page to fill our a survey, download your free ebook, & download your weekly goal planner. I will be emailing you within 2-3 business days after purchase to ask questions, set up our call & schedule each week, understand your goals, and move forward from there. This is a 8-week program that I am committed to helping you to the best I can. Please make sure you can commit to the full 8 weeks before purchasing.

  • I'm not sure if I'd like flexible dieting, is this all you help with?

    Not at all! I help my clients reach their goals through flexible dieting & learning how to intuitively eat. I love flexible dieting because it is goal oriented. It is definitely something I recommend often as it teaches sustainability, no restrictions, and learning to eat for your body type and goals. However, it is not required. I help you reach your goals by looking into your nutrition habits, what's holding you back, and what you may need to add. It is, however, NOT a meal plan.

  • Do I have to workout 6x a week to see results?

    NOPE. I work with YOU & what you are comfortable with. Working out 6-7x a week can lead to exhaustion which in return can lead to injury down the road. Weekly workout frequency depends on your goals, schedule, and lifestyle.

  • What if I don't have access to a gym?

    Most of my clients are moms who have crazy schedules. My workout plans work with what you have access to- gym, at home equipment, apartment gym- it doesn't matter!